A big part of the reasoning behind the idea of FAST AT 50 is to encourage people to do something for themselves, while also raising money for charity. Almost all those people who take part in an organised event will in most cases be raising money for charity. Giving to others, gives us a feeling of self satisfaction, we feel good about ourselves. Sometimes we give because we feel it is our obligation, donating £5.00 by simply texting the word GIVE, during a TV program makes us feel that we have done our bit. In a way we have, but there is no better feeling than entering a large event and taking part with thousands of other like minded people. Above all doing it for you, while also doing it for charity. You just have to look at the faces of those brave people who cross the line on the Mall in London, or those running that final mile to the coast in South Shields on the Great North Run. Millions of pounds are raised each year, and thousands go home with a Medal and a warm heart, because they did it. Everyone who crosses the line in any event will say….
With so many charities it’s sometimes difficult to choose which one to support, and as I have said in previous posts its often difficult to get people to donate to your chosen charity. Especially when you have asked them multiple times to support you while you are taking part in yet another event. So without sounding like a demented well known 80’s pop star demanding that people should give you their money, how do you get people to part with their cash? By being likeable, genuine, original, honest and grateful. Create a connection.
When I first set out on my personal journey, I wanted to raise over a £1,000,000. I know that’s a tall order for anyone, let alone an unknown little insignificant balding man from Oldham. Nevertheless I was always told to dream big. However if over time, lets say that 2000 people are inspired to be FAST AT 50, who each raise just £500 while taking part in an event, then that’s the first million. How hard can that be. (see the about page for more). Only time will tell… but it’s achievable.
Since starting this personal crusade I have created numerous pages on the popular “JUST GIVING WEBSITE” , some have been successful while others never reached the targets I set, or generated no money at all. I soon found out that fundraising can become a fulltime job and without exposure or awareness you are wasting your time. You have to work at it, and without being too pushy. People will only give because they want to, not just because you ask them to. In reality it’s not the money you are asking for, it’s their support, so work on that concept.
I first created the idea for FAST AT 50 while dealing with my own bouts of depression and anxiety, and like most people never had the courage to seek professional help. Although I did eventually breakdown and tell my GP during a routine check up. I chose the self help method, my philosophy at the time was I can do this alone, telling myself “I can fix this”. My advice to others today is, seek help at the earliest opportunity. Mental Health awareness is much better today and the support out there is getting better. Two of the charities I support are MIND and Mental Health UK, and the resent arrival of the Heads Together Campaign, only helps to add more awareness of mental health issues in todays modern society. See my post on “Running with you in mind” to find out how you can help too.
Thanks for your Support
Mark xx