Creating a Brand
Could we make this Global?
OK this may sound a little ambitious. Nevertheless I was always told to THINK BIG! So here goes… I understand that there is more to creating a brand than putting together a nice logo, but I think the one I have created will certainly do for now. Although I will need some help in creating the initial brand awareness, hopefully some of that can be achieved through social media. Basically what I am asking here.. is that you share the crap out of this post, plus any others you may find useful, lets see if we can get people talking about being #FAST@50.
Brand Identity
I needed to see my logo on associated products to get a feel of how it would look. So the first platform I turned to was ZAZZLE. I dusted off my old account and set about creating relevant, sporting products branding the logo and publishing them in my official Zazzle online store But wait… brand identity isn’t just the logo design or the colours I choose to represent it, there is more to it than that. The most important piece of the identity is what it stands for, the Vision Statement.
“FAST@50 Allowing people to give back what they put in”.
Mission Statement:
“FAST@50’s main objective is to encourage both men and women who are approaching that mid-life crisis phase in their life to get active, raise money for charity, but above all do it for yourself“