Fast at 50

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Do we need Supplements after 50?

Do we need Supplements

Hey! I’m No Expert

When I was in my 20’s I was a keen bodybuilder… OK I pushed a few weights. However what I did do was take a number of health supplements, yeast tablets, kelp, desiccated liver, liquid amino acid, that type of thing.  Mainly because the group of guys I trained with did, so why not. I’m not really sure what benefits they give me, to be honest we never really knew what we where doing. At one point I remember we started taking about 30 desiccated liver tablets a day, simply because we had read it in a muscle mag. It’s crazy what we believed without any real research. At the time we where probably getting enough protein in the food we consumed, after all the army marches on it’s stomach…right.

What I will add is this was way before the internet, so basically all we had was the glossy ads to go off and the pictures of guys with huge biceps and ripped abs. It goes without saying that, Nutrition is a complicated subject at the best of times, what some say is good for you today, there will be a million others telling you it’s wrong.

A more informed choice

Today we can make a much more informed choice, but we still often rely on what others are telling us. What I do know is… as I have got older I have started to listen to my body, like many people my age I found that I was reaching for the pain killers more and more often, but was this what I needed? Can we actually repair those joints and tendons, rather that just suppressing the pain with drugs? Will taking supplements actually work better this time round. As I say I’m no expert but commonsense tells me that if I can build muscle by eating the right things and taking vigorous exercise, then why not speed up the process with a few supplements. BUT HOW DO WE KNOW WHAT’S IN THEM? Some say that if we all have a well balanced diet there is no need for supplements, the food we consume has all the nutrients and vitamins we need.

Who do we believe?

Since those early day’s I have never purchased any supplements, protein shakes, and the like, until now… I thought what the hell lets give it a try, perhaps I can incorporate it with my new juice regime. The truth is I am actually doing more physical training today than I did when is was serving as an infantry soldier. So I guessed I needed to up MY Protein levels, “sorry a blatant link to a product

Tried and tested

One of the first products I purchased was the MYPre I need that boost of energy and found that this was the product to test first. It claims that, “MYPRE delivers a host of the most popular and researched ingredients to help improve performance*, reduce fatigue* and provide continual focus throughout your training so you should have no problem squeezing out that last rep or running that extra mile“. Just what I needed. Just a few days in and I felt the difference, was this simply psychological, or does this stuff actually work? I will post my results in the coming weeks and months and keep you posted.

What about YOU!

Do you take any supplements in your diet? Do you feel any benefit, or are you simply taking them because others have said they are good for you, any comments below will be most welcome.
Thanks Mark

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Brief Bio

Mark Mooney I started FAST@50 to help me stay motivated, determined to be FIT AND STILL TRAINING throughout my 50's and beyond.
I originally started out with a primary aim to raise money for charity, but more importantly realised that I was doing this for myself.
Nike quite famously say "JUST DO IT", I say Do it for charity, more importantly "DO IT FOR YOU!"
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